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How to learn the German language - Learn German for beginners

How to learn the German language - Learn German for beginners

How to Learn German - Learn German for Beginners You can discreetly sell German as therapy to your children, by letting them use your phone or iPad. But only if they run one of the allowed apps that are useful for learning some German.


Read more: Tourist places in Germany - Tourism in Germany


How to learn the German language - Learn German for beginners

Not surprisingly, there are countless apps on the market, not all of which are suitable for all ages or for learning German. The Goethe-Institut has published an excellent collection of good applications that promote reading and education. They also provide many German language learning tools for younger age groups, starting from the age of three.


These apps range from apps with regular new stories for parents to read to their kids, to self-reading for beginners. They even offer a memory game where your kids need to listen to German words to find the matching pair.


Google Lesenlernen applications (apps to help learn to read), and a large number of applications appear. One really basic and very gentle is Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss. Other goodies include the app that is compatible with Sandmännchen TV, another memory game called Bo sucht dasselbe, or a fun game that not only teaches your kids the names of other countries but also keeps them entertained when they are on the road, by playing a number board game. And if you're the parent of a little princess, watching Prinzessin Lilllifee on the app or YouTube, might do the trick.


Be creative

To get your kids interested in the German language and German culture, you might just have to get creative.


Organize themed events Have a baking session to make German cookies according to a German recipe, mentioning keywords as you go (or check out our apfelstrudel recipe!)


Visit a tourist place, scenic area, or whatever your adopted hometown has to offer and learn something about history in German through keywords and the relationship between being there. Go eat in a cafe or restaurant, and order in German. Shop at the market and boost your vocabulary for vegetables and fruits. Perhaps learn a German lullaby or a traditional seasonal song and give a performance. Find an easy-to-follow craft video in German and create something artistic as a gift for someone.

