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Steps to learn German - Learn German

Steps to learn German - Learn German

Steps to learn German - Learn German, the more personal exposure to a language, the easier it will be to learn. Take your kids to a local playground, a designated indoor play area, or even an IKEA playground. Each larger city has indoor playgrounds where you pay an entrance fee and then have a wide range of activities, all packed with German children of all age groups.


At first, they will likely not interact much, or refuse to talk to other children. But it's surprising how open the kids are, and chances are that a German kid will take your kids under their wing and talk to them. Their desire to play and integrate will replace their fear and shyness.


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Steps to learn German - Learn German

Join playgroups or parent get-togethers, but try local get-togethers, not expats, as people tend to speak English. Enroll them at a local preschool or nursery school, or take part in sports activities or training sessions, depending on age and interests.


Yes, at first they will be ignorant and pretend that they do not understand a single word, but in the end the desire to interact with other children will win.


Get a German babysitter

On those days or evenings when you are trying to get a life and explore what Germany has to offer to an older audience, get a German babysitter for your kids.


Try to find someone who tries to learn your native language (just in case of mishaps), but is also under strict instructions to speak German at their own risk. They can read together, watch some TV together, or just play, all while being exposed to the language.


Play games together

Board games not only bring the family together, but also can be a good tool for learning another language. There are simple games for younger audiences: you can practice counting as you move your memory piece, i.e. matching pairs of pictures, you add to your children the challenge of recalling the object in German.

