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How do I learn English quickly - Learn English

How do I learn English quickly - Learn English

How do I learn English quickly - Learn English

How to learn English quickly - Learn English, we often hear phrases such as: If you want to learn English, the only sure way is to study this language completely, and give it your effort and time, and make it your main concern in Wherever you are. However, in this article, we want to go deeper than that method, as we will give you ten steps that if you follow them, that will make you know how to learn the English language quickly and in a fast way that carries with it a lot of fun way and start diving into the depths of this language .

Read more: Procedures for traveling to England


How do I learn English quickly - Learn English


Find some English radio stations and download audio files from them

These days, there are many audio files that deal with everything you want or search for in any field of life, whether what you want is entertainment, news, politics or anything else, and this is an opportunity for you to find audio clips that interest you, whether from the radio or from channels You can download the topics you are interested in in the form of audio files and then listen to them while you are driving. This method will train your ear to hear English.


Find the most viewed videos on YouTube and watch even a few minutes of them

This will bring you a lot of entertainment, especially if you try to look at the comments of the viewers and pick up some words and phrases that seem unfamiliar to you or that you do not know, but be aware that you may find in the comments what is acceptable and what is strange or inappropriate.


Talk to yourself and sing to yourself in English

When you are alone at home, or if you are taking a shower start talking to yourself in English, or sing an English song, this action will make you listen to yourself speaking the language. You can talk about the weather or any other topic, do it over and over and your language will improve significantly.


Are you a fan of a famous star who speaks English? Then go to YouTube and watch all his English interviews

You can spend hours watching these interviews, it will help you a lot because it will not make you feel that you are taking an English lesson or that your purpose is to learn, even though the truth is that you are actually studying and learning English.


Sit next to people who speak English on the bus or in the parks and try to listen to them

This shouldn't make you afraid of being a peep, because your goal is to capture something from their conversations to help you build up your language. Listen to the flow of the conversation and then see how much you can understand from it? What is the general topic they are talking about? Did you hear a strange word and wanted to search for its meaning? Now that you have listened to the conversation, try to form sentences about what your ear has picked up.

