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How to use your mobile phone in a healthy and safe way

How to use your mobile phone in a healthy and safe way

How to use your mobile phone in a healthy and safe way

How to use your mobile phone in a healthy and safe way, the mobile has become an integral part of our daily life, but unlike ignoring people, the mobile may be a time bomb that destroys health and our ignorance. This is due to the fact that the mobile phone is a new invention that has not exceeded its popularity for a few years. Therefore, we must take care that “prevention is better than cure.

How does a mobile phone work and how does it emit radiation?

Your mobile phone keeps in touch with the nearest mobile antennas at all times. Every few minutes it sends a signal to the antennas saying “mobile number xxxxxx is here”. The mast transmits the message to the cell phone and the main computer of the company, which remembers that all the time.

When someone calls you a message goes to the mainframe saying “xxxxxx in mysql”. The computer looks past your cell phone number from and ways to call the antennas of those cells, calling into your phone.

Health effects of electromagnetic radiation

The complaint of exposure to electromagnetic radiation is concentrated in chronic headaches, tension, terror, abnormal emotions, frustration, hypersensitivity of the skin, chest and eyes, arthritis, osteoporosis, impotence, heart disorders and premature aging symptoms.

Many clinical scientific researches agree that no confirmed health damages have been found as a result of exposure to electromagnetic radiation at levels less than (0.5 milliwatts/cm2). However, exposure to higher levels of these radiations and in cumulative doses may cause the emergence of many pathological symptoms, including:

The appearance of carcinomas

Feeling of temporary effects, including forgetfulness, inability to focus and increased nervous pressure, after exposure to electromagnetic radiation at levels from 0.01 to 10 milliwatts / cm2, and these symptoms were called psychological changes.

Exposure to electromagnetic radiation causes disruption of metabolic processes in living tissues and cells due to excessive heat load.

How to use the phone safely:

  • The use of the mobile phone should be limited to important and urgent matters only, and not as a means for long discussions and discussions, and to continue the discussion on a nearby landline.
  • The duration of the call should not exceed two minutes.
  • The mobile should not be placed in the pocket, whether in the jacket or trousers.
  • The mobile phone should not be placed in a belt or in a metal case, because this increases the rate of absorption of electromagnetic waves.
  • Certain types of headphones must be worn when speaking, so that the mobile phone is kept away from the head and body.
  • Try to use messages instead of calls as much as possible.
  • The mobile phone should not be used indoors, such as the elevator or inside the car. Stronger waves come out of the mobile phone at that time in order for the communication process to take place, and a large part of it is absorbed through the human body and its cells.
  • Do not try to use the mobile when the network signal is on the first dash for the same reason as before.
  • When you buy a mobile, you should look in its operating catalog for what is called SAR, which is an abbreviation of the Specific Absorption rate, that is, the specific absorption rate that occurs through the body's absorption of the energy and radiation emitted by the mobile, and the lower this percentage, The better.
  • Avoid taking the mobile with you to bed or under the pillow you sleep on, because the waves emitted from it may affect the electricity of the brain, causing sleep disturbance, headache, lack of concentration, forgetfulness..prostration saves you. From electromagnetic radiation!
