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Methods for family reunification in Germany


Methods for family reunification in Germany

Methods for family reunification in Germany - If a person is a refugee and wants to bring his family to Germany, he must follow several rules. Residence status is crucial. Family reunification is usually not possible if the asylum procedure is still in progress or if the person has a Duldung.

If he is recognized as a person entitled to asylum or as a refugee, then he is entitled to family reunification. Special regulations apply to persons enjoying subsidiary protection and a ban on deportation.

Methods for family reunification in Germany

The possibility of applying for family reunification depends on the status of residency. At least a residence permit is required. However, other requirements must also be met. You can find out more about this in the section "What conditions must be met for family reunification?".

 Read more: How to reunite in Germany

The three residency cases that allow the application for family unification:

  • Recognized refugees or entitled to asylum: If a person has been recognized as a refugee or as a refugee under the Geneva Refugee Convention, he can reunite his family to Germany.
  • Those with subsidiary protection: those whose families can apply for family unification.
  • But the acceptance of the application in this case is not certain. This means that the immigration authorities can simply refuse the application.
  • Currently, only up to 1,000 people per month are allowed to travel to Germany with those who qualify for subsidiary protection.
  • Families who have been separated for a long time and have small children or very weak and sick people are given special attention.
  • It is also an advantage if the family can already speak German, if they can make a living independently, and the like.
  • Those who have a residence permit due to a ban on deportation: People for whom deportation is prohibited can only apply for family reunification if their stay in Germany is likely to be more than one year. 
  • In addition, there are special reasons for which the reunification can be made, for example there is a serious illness of a family member or a specific threat to the family.
  • In this case, the immigration office can approve the application.
  • However, acceptance of the application is not certain.
  • This means that the immigration authorities can simply refuse the application.

Who are the family members allowed to be reunited?

According to the Family Asylum Act, the family members who can be requested for family reunification are:

  1. Wife/husband or registered partner must be over 18 years old when the marriage is registered.
  2. Children under the age of (18).
  3. The father, the mother or the person entitled to custody (this applies to refugee minors).
  4. Also, in the case of minor refugees, they can reunite underage siblings only if it can be proven that there is someone supporting or sponsoring them, and that the available living space is sufficient.

Otherwise, minor siblings and other family members can only be reunited in cases of “exceptional hardship” In these isolated cases, it is possible to apply for a visa in accordance with § 36 (2) or 22 of the Residence Act ).

This possibility is often called a "hardship case" and is an emergency clause in the Residence Act. In practice, it is difficult to obtain a visa for family members using this law.

There must be an immediate danger to the lives of the family members involved. Several basic requirements must be met, such as: The ability to secure a source of livelihood. To find out more, you can seek advice from a counseling center or a qualified attorney.

