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How can I reunite my family in Germany

How can I reunite my family in Germany? The process of "family reunification" is only possible for those who have been granted asylum, and activists are advised to apply early. Those without asylum cannot bring their family, with some exceptions. Studying is free and compulsory in Germany.

How can I reunite my family in Germany?

A person who has been granted asylum in Germany can submit an application for "family reunification" at the foreigners' office in his city. The family, in this context, means the "basic family" of a person, and includes the husband or wife and children under the age of eighteen. Adult children, brothers, sisters and parents are not eligible for family reunification.

“The person must apply for “family reunification” within the first three months after being granted asylum in Germany,” advises Andrea Cotten of Pro Asyl, an organization concerned with refugee issues in Germany. "Because only during this period the recognized refugee has the right to bring his family to Germany without submitting documents proving that he can manage his life and expenses and that he has sufficient housing for himself and his family," adds the activist Koten.

As for people whose asylum cases have not been resolved in Germany, they do not have any opportunity to go through the process of "family reunification". If some of their family members are in other countries within the European Union, they can bring them to Germany, but under special conditions.

 Read more: How to reunite in Germany

Do children and adolescents have to go to school?

Education is compulsory in Germany. This means that all children and young people are required to go to school, regardless of their nationality and residence. Public compulsory education often begins at the age of six and lasts nine or ten years. This depends on the laws of the federal states, because the education law in Germany is within the jurisdiction of the federal states, which determine its details, as there is no unified education law in Germany.

Even the process for an asylum seeker to enter public schools varies from state to state. In some states, an asylum seeker can enter schools six weeks after the date of his application for asylum, and in other states six months after that.

Many schools in German cities offer special German classes for children and young adults in the same school. In some German states, children and young people are sent to preparatory courses and private schools to learn German to facilitate their entry into public schools.

Who decides to send children to school and how is the process?

It is educational institutions that decide where children and young people will go and what kind of schools they will receive. Much depends on the permanent housing of the refugees. Therefore, compulsory education begins mostly on refugees after they leave the primary reception homes for refugees and after they are distributed to fixed housing for them until a decision is made on their asylum case. Many asylum seekers are given financial aid to cover transportation costs to schools.

How much does it cost to study in public schools?

Studying in Germany is free for asylum seekers in public schools. Many families are given little financial aid to cover food expenses in schools or kindergartens, or to cover school trips, sports and recreational activities, and school supplies.

