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Learn German with steps - Learn German, learn German. You have to know at the outset that learning German is like learning any other language is not easy.


Therefore, you have to give yourself enough time to learn and familiarize yourself with the basics of the German language. And you need to know that the minimum estimated time for learning is one year in order to improve learning and knowledge and speaking of the language.


Read more: How to learn German quickly


Learn German with steps - Learn German

Learning German is like building a house. You cannot go upstairs without a strong foundation, and when there is a shortage, you cannot keep moving forward.


There are even many German residents who have lived for more than 20 years and cannot speak the language as much as required. This is due to learning the German language the wrong way from the start, and the foundation is weak.


On the other hand, someone who comes to study in Germany for six months finds him better and more able in terms of speaking German and knowing its rules.


Learn German

There are six main pillars or steps that you must know in order to master the German language, but if you do not follow these steps, you will find yourself frustrated and pessimistic and unable to understand the language and its rules.


As the human mind follows the instructions received from it, in the event that the sense of failure continues, the mind follows you and does not respond to learning.


But in the case of self-confidence and that you are able to learn the language, you will find yourself learning and responding to the language with ease.


German language models and the best ways to learn

There are a large number of sources that you can rely on in order to learn the German language, whether through courses, textbooks, interaction and others.


If you are at the b1 or b2 level, there is no doubt that the b1 b2 German language models will help you a lot in checking your level and improving your skills.


Books There are a large number of wonderful books that provide valuable information that helps you a lot in learning and acquiring skills, and one of the most important books is the Deutsch rapid book, which is the best book ever.


It presents many daily topics with a large number of vocabulary and explanations of the most important rules, and there are some phonemes that improve listening skill.


There is another excellent book called Miteinander which offers a training course for teaching beginners and the book has 248 pages.


Courses where there are a large number of them, and it is the best and easiest way for many people to learn, as learning through video puts you in a direct situation with the teacher so that you can understand and interact with him, especially if the learning is through live broadcasts.

