Learn German for beginners 2022 - Learn German, invest in learning a foreign language at least 1-1.5 hours a day. It is important to accustom yourself to studying regularly, because discipline is the only factor that can resist your laziness and desire to do anything, just not to learn words and not to study grammar.
By opening the textbook only once a week, it is difficult to achieve success!
Even after a day, the brain already forgets what and in what order it was studied last time, and if you study a lot, then half of the lesson time will be spent on repetition! So it is worth piercing your nose: regular practice is the key to success!
Read more: Learn German for beginners online - Learn German
Learn German for beginners 2022 - Learn German
We will mention Learn German for Beginners 2022 - Learn German:
Remember words in context
Do not memorize words individually, alphabetically or randomly! Words must be remembered in their context, as they are used in speech. For example, you can memorize the words in a sentence and a sentence. For each new word, come up with three sentences, preferably five.
Then this word will definitely never be forgotten. In addition, memorizing words in context means: a) learning other words related to the same subject area:
For example, colors, clothes, animal names to learn together b) Learn the derivatives of these words and other forms: for example, malen - der Maler - die Malerei, der Mensch - Menschlich - die Menschheitetc.
practice the rules
No matter how difficult it may be, but without knowledge - and most importantly - understanding of grammar, it is impossible to build freely correct sentences and phrases in a foreign language.
You can try to remember the phrases by heart, without understanding, but the older a person gets, the worse he remembers words intuitively, as children do, the more he remembers logically - not on the basis of imitation but on the basis of understanding. Grammar is important to understand what you want to say.
It is important not to be afraid of making grammatical errors in a sentence, because Germans themselves often make mistakes and cannot explain why they need to speak. "mit dem Bus fahren", but not "auf die Bus fahren".
But at a certain point, without knowing the rules, it will be very difficult to move forward. If grammatical errors interfere with comprehension, or if a lack of skills in the correct use of articles and verbs in the correct form interferes with communication, then at some point your interlocutors will tire of guessing what you mean by your facial expressions and intonations: Sie liebt Peter or Peter Liebt sie If you don't know Arrange the words in the sentence.
Combine styles
It is important to pay attention to different aspects of speech - not only to read, but also to speak, not only to listen to the text, but also to write down its summary, ask questions. There is no one universal technology that fits all.
Learning a foreign language is a very individual process, it depends on age, abilities, communication skills in the native language, motivation, diligence and many other factors. Look for the "your" method.
For example, watch movies in original books or read books, and in addition to this, also use other methods - chatting in German on Skype, communicating with someone, etc.
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