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How to learn German - Learn German The general components of learning all kinds of world languages ​​are four: listening, speaking, reading and writing. German language ranges from many levels of education.


How to learn German - Learn German

Those who want to learn it must progress in it in order to learn it well and master it. All educational plans are subject to determining the levels before starting the learning process, and determining the different abilities of the learner. The levels are roughly divided as follows:


A for beginners, B for intermediate levels, and C for advanced levels, and if the learner is interested in knowing what level he is, he must pass a test to determine his German language level, and the following are the most prominent levels of learning German language:


Read more: Learn German from the beginning - Learn German


A1 level for beginners:

The learner is familiar with the basics of the German language, getting to know them, how to pronounce words and some expressive terms, such as: peace, self-introduction, expressing love, hate or appreciation, and asking and answering questions.


Such as asking where he lives, people he knows, and what he owns, as well as interacting in simple ways, provided the person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.


Level A2:

The level that is concerned with teaching how to ask anything such as asking about a good to buy or a train station, and includes basic German knowledge, such as being able to understand frequently used sentences and expressions such as very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, and employment.


In addition to communicating in simple and routine tasks that require a basic and direct exchange of information about familiar and routine matters, as well as being able to describe, for example, the environment and needs in very simple terms.


Pre-intermediate level B1:

This level is the first difficult stage in learning the German language, as it enables a person to talk to anyone who is proficient in the German language, and he can deal with them and talk to them comfortably.


The learner at the end of this level can comprehend the main points of the clear language about the familiar things that they always encounter at work, school, places of recreation, etc.


It can handle most situations likely to occur while traveling in a German-speaking area, produce a simple text on familiar or personal topics, describe experiences, events, dreams, hopes and aspirations, and give reasons and brief explanations for some opinions and plans.



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