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Conditions for studying in Germany 2022 - Studying in Germany

Conditions for studying in Germany 2022 - Studying in Germany

Conditions for studying in Germany 2022 - Studying in Germany, differed slightly from the conditions for studying in previous years, and the first difference in the conditions for studying in Germany is the increase in the amount of money required in the frozen bank account.


In addition, studying in Germany is no longer free in some German states, and this is what we will learn about during this day's article.


In addition, we will get acquainted with some questions and points related to this matter with the terms and requirements of studying in Germany.


Read more: Learn German Online - Learn German for Beginners


Conditions for studying in Germany 2022 - Studying in Germany

Away from the state of Baden-Württemberg, studying is free in Germany according to the 2014 decision, which allowed all international students in Germany to benefit from the advantages of free university education, such as German students.


For the mentioned state, also the tuition fees are not high compared to other countries in Europe such as the United Kingdom, or outside Europe such as Canada and Australia.


How much are the prices of private universities in Germany?

The answer to this question varies from one person to another according to the academic specialization, as well as from one university to another German university.


In addition, fees in private German universities vary according to the duration of study of the same specialization.


Therefore, those who wish to study medicine in Germany at a private university must contact the university in which they wish to study, and inquire about the cost of studying the specialization they wish to study at this university.


Thus, he gets an appropriate price according to his needs specifically, and this matter must be followed by those who wish to study medicine in Germany or any other specialty.


Other than that, any information regarding fees is not considered accurate and is considered jurisprudential information, as long as it does not match the circumstances and specialization of the student himself who is asking this question.


Study medicine in Germany in English

Medicine can be studied in Germany in English, but most study programs in Germany in English are in private universities and not public universities, and therefore the cost will be high.


In general, the medical specialization in Germany 2021 can be studied in English in German public universities, but in a specific university and limited study programs.


On the other hand, it is possible to continue studying in Germany in English in private universities in any medical specialty, but the study in Germany will certainly be at your expense.

