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German language courses for beginners - Learn German

German language courses for beginners - Learn German, if you want to learn the German language quickly: in the article you will find the best ways to learn the German language to master and speak it fluently, and the most effective way is to learn to speak German from courses and practice pronunciation of the German language. You will need 3 months to master the language.


German language courses for beginners - Learn German

Today I would like to offer you the most useful tips, easiest and best way to learn German for beginners that I have come across so far. As always, I've excluded apps and websites that are aimed exclusively at beginners.


Read more: German language learning sites - learn German language


What is the best way to learn German?

Reference books for learning German and other languages, CanooNet has been the most comprehensive and best mobile reference work I know about grammar, vocabulary and spelling in Basic German, aimed at native speakers.


Thanks to the cooperation with LEO, you can access LEO dictionaries for English, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German and other foreign languages ​​via CanooNet.


The only drawback: How to use after downloading: You have 20 free search queries and courses to test, but if you want to continue using the program, you have to buy it for 8.99 euros.


Dictionaries have been standard programs for learners of German since the early days of the personal computer, mainly because they were difficult to program. There is now a large range of applications in return.


Translation software to learn German

Translation software for learning German In addition to dictionaries, you can, of course, use translation software. Google Translate can translate words and phrases into 57 languages. The speech-to-text function can translate language or voice into 15 different languages. The pronunciation coach will read your translation in 23 languages. However, you always need an internet connection to use the app, and of course translation must be handled carefully.


German vocabulary trainer

There are some German vocabulary trainers. Personally, I did not stray too far with my vocabulary trainer, and I easily mastered German. But there should be more stable people. If in doubt, you'd like to try the Vocabulary Trainer at the Goethe-Institut Deutschland - specially developed for learners of German.


Listen to learn German

When it comes to 'German listening practice' I didn't find any free offers, but Slow German Podcast is not exactly expensive at €1.79 and is definitely recommended if you want to work on understanding German listening on the go.

