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Does Secondhand Smoke Affect Your Health?

Does Secondhand Smoke Affect Your Health? Today, we all know that smoking is harmful to health. According to scientists, even passive smoking can cause various types of cancer. This is the reason why smoking in public places is banned in many countries around the world. But in many night bars, this is still allowed. In this article, we will find out how passive smoking can have a negative impact on your health. Read on to find out more.

Read more: The best way to enjoy a healthy life.

What is secondhand smoke?

These are of two types. One type is known as passive smoking. It is when a non-smoker is involuntarily exposed to tobacco smoke. This is known as second-hand smoke, which is similarly dangerous to your health.

Can it cause health problems?

As mentioned earlier, there is no difference between the two regarding health issues. If you smoke secondhand, you will be exposed to many chemicals that may cause cancer. Even if you've never smoked a cigarette before, you could get lung cancer from second-hand smoke.

Common types of cancer you may develop include cancer of the sinuses, rectum, bladder, larynx, breast, stomach and brain. Apart from this, children exposed to secondhand smoke may suffer from brain tumors, liver cancer, lymphoma, and leukemia, to name a few.

Does Secondhand Smoke Affect Your Health?

Cardiovascular disease

Involuntary inhalation of tobacco can also damage the cardiovascular system. In fact, if you have a damaged cardiovascular system, you could suffer from heart disease and even stroke.

If you are a non-smoker and have been exposed to a secondhand smoker, you have a 30% chance of developing heart disease. Besides, it will increase the risk of having a stroke by up to 30%. In fact, secondhand smoke causes more than 8000 deaths from stroke.

Lung Cancer

We all know that smokers are more likely to get lung cancer. If someone around you is a heavy smoker, you have a 30% risk of developing lung cancer. In the United States, more than 7,000 people lose their lives to lung cancer, and all of them are passive smokers.

Does Secondhand Smoke Affect Your Health?

The reason is that they contain all the chemicals that a cigarette produces when lit.

small island developing states

Today, many women suffer from nightmares due to sudden infant death syndrome. In most cases, sudden infant death syndrome occurs during the first year. In fact, it refers to the sudden unexpected death of a healthy child. According to doctors, there is a link between SIDS and secondhand smoke.

Can an air purifier help you with secondhand smoke?

A good air purifier is an ideal device that can filter smoke without a problem. All you have to do is select a unit that contains a HEPA filter. This type of filter is known to remove 99.97% of airborne particles.

how to quit smoking

Certainly, all people are aware of the harmful effects of smoking, even smokers. But we may note that millions of smokers from all over the world face difficulty in quitting smoking, despite their knowledge of its harmful effects on health. In the following points, we show you the simplest ways that may help you quit smoking:

  • Start right away, don't say that you will reduce the amount of cigarette smoking today, then tomorrow, and so on. This method does not make you have a constant desire to quit smoking. It is better to start immediately to stop smoking. You will feel some symptoms in the first days only, but you will get used, and you will find that your mood and health have begun to improve.
  • Stay away from friends and people who smoke, especially in the first days of stopping smoking.
  • Start exercising until you find time to do useful actions. Also pay attention to your diet and drink plenty of water throughout the day. To flush out toxins from your body and purify your chest and lungs.
  • Do new things, especially in your spare time, such as going to the cinema, reading a book, or discovering a new hobby, because it makes you never think about smoking again.

Zango Anything Articles 2021

