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How to learn German fast and free online for beginners 2021

How to learn German fast and free online for beginners 2021Do you have free time and are thinking of learning German while you are at home?

Wonderful plan. Learning German is not as difficult as they say, so trust me: you made a solid decision.

But if you are looking for the best way to learn this language, you will find that some home methods are better for beginners, while others make more sense for intermediate learners. You just have to find what works for you!

How to learn German fast and free online for beginners 2021

Then, you can focus on how to stick to it while learning from within and making real progress. Read on to find out the best way to learn German at home...

Beginner (Make Our Six-Step Process to Success)

More advanced learner (try our extra step to speak like a native)

 in an efficient and fun way.

The best way to learn German at home for beginners: 6 steps to get started

1. Set yourself a goal

First things first: You need a goal to work towards.

It sounds counter-intuitive, but believe us: not having an end goal - a reason to learn - won't be motivating enough in the long run.

Learning without a goal is like driving without direction - fun at first, but boring after a while. So whether you want to learn how to get ahead in the action or pick out some basic Oktoberfest phrases, pick a target to float your boat, write it down somewhere, and set sail.

2. Start with the right foot

Not everyone has the time, money or confidence to take German lessons or take a trip to Germany. But don't be discouraged: that doesn't mean you can't start somewhere.

Taking a free online German language course on an app like Busuu is a great way to get started and take your studies wherever you go. A little vocabulary review on the bus or review of new grammar topics like German pronouns at the airport, for example, turns lost time into language learning victories!

3. Turn learning German into a habit

Needless to say, signing up for face-to-face language classes or taking a trip to Germany is not an option now. But don't be discouraged: that doesn't mean you can't start somewhere.

Taking a free online German language course on an app like Busuu is a great way to get started without stepping out of your door. A little vocabulary review on the bus or review of new grammar topics like German pronouns at the airport, for example, turns lost time into language learning victories!

For example, we know from experience that learning in small portions - say 10 minutes a day - will make a big difference.

4. Practice speaking German with online private lessons

While the opportunities to practice your German may be few at the moment, you are still learning German in order to speak it - so signing up for one-to-one online lessons with qualified German teachers on platforms like Verbling is a great way to start training your conversational skills. Early and often.

Plus, mastering German pronunciation and overcoming any fears of speaking a foreign language can be a real time saver later. So be brave, be weak, make mistakes and get better!

5. Learn new vocabulary in meaningful pieces

Associating words with actions is a clever way to trick your brain into learning more words at once and putting them into your long-term memory. This is because learning German words in their context helps to operate the images that our brains store as a living memory, rather than an isolated entity. Easy and effective, isn't it?

So instead of learning Auto ("car"), try memorizing common parts, such as mit dem Auto fahren ("to go by car / drive a car"), or examples of phrases you read and find useful.

Fun Fact: Did you know that if you're an English speaker, you know more German words than you think? We use a lot of German words in the English language. be seen? You are more advanced than you thought...

6. Make studying German rewarding

Staying motivated is important when learning German - especially when you're learning at home. A great way to keep motivated is to reward yourself from time to time (better being the German type!).

Treat yourself after you learn how to greet someone in German by watching a German TV show. Cook a German dish after learning a new formula, or indulge in German chocolate after memorizing a set of vocabulary.



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